Social Security Disability Review After Age 50 and 60
Winning approval of your Social Security Disability (SSD or SSDI) claim is a huge accomplishment for many individuals and families who depend on the benefits to meet daily expenses that...
What Is The Elimination Period Of An Individual Disability Policy?
When an illness or injury prevents you from working, it’s comforting to know you have an individual disability policy to rely upon for a source of income. If you expect...
What Happens To My Medicare Disability When I Turn 65?
If you struggle with a disability, particularly one that keeps you from being able to work and earn an income, you are likely interested in receiving any disability benefits for...
Chances of Getting Disability Benefits For Depression
Depression is a serious mental illness affecting more than 17 million people in the U.S. The symptoms, such as anxiety and fatigue, often make it impossible for people with depression...
What Is The Maximum Social Security Benefit At Age 62?
You have an important decision to make when you reach 62 years of age: Apply for early Social Security retirement benefits or wait until you reach full retirement age. If...
Chances of Getting Disability Benefits for Bipolar Disorder
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSD or SSDI) benefits are available for workers or former workers who suffer from bipolar disorder, as they are for other mental illnesses. In this blog...
How Much Does Short-Term and Long-Term Disability Pay?
There are different sources of disability payments, some public and some private. The Social Security Administration operates two separate federal disability benefit programs, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSD or SSDI)...
How Much Can A Parent Make For A Child To Get SSI?
As the parent of a child who is blind or disabled, your income and resources come into play when the Social Security Administration determines whether your child qualifies for Supplemental...
How Often Does SSI Check Your Bank Account?
In 2020 alone, the Social Security Administration (SSA) paid 60 billion dollars in Supplement Security Income (SSI) to about 8 million recipients. MJ Ellis Disability Law has extensive experience guiding...
What Will SSI Checks Be In 2022?
If you are among the more than 5.1 million people who rely upon benefits received through the Supplemental Security Income program, expect to see an increase in the amount of...