Leukemia disability benefits
How to Qualify for Disability Benefits with Leukemia
When you have a disease that prevents you from being able to work, it can be devastating and very stressful. It’s important to know whether your specific condition qualifies for disability benefits. If you’ve been diagnosed with leukemia, you may qualify for leukemia disability benefits. Like all conditions, this does depend on certain factors that you will need to meet.
How to qualify for leukemia disability benefits:
– Your condition must be considered severe.
In order for your condition to qualify for disability benefits, it needs to be considered severe. Either it needs to be expected to last at least 12 months or be a terminal disease.
– You have to be unable to work.
Your condition must prevent you from working in any position. If you’re still able to work or are still working when you apply for leukemia Social Security benefits, your application will probably be denied. If you are still able yup earn a substantial amount of money, there’s no reason for you to be awarded leukemia SSDI benefits.
– Your condition must meet requirements in the bluebook on the Social Security website.
When you visit the bluebook on the SSA.gov website, you will see that there is a list of conditions that qualify for disability benefits. In order to qualify, your condition needs to match or be the equivalent of one of these conditions. This will show whether your condition is severe enough to qualify for benefits.
If you are seeking leukemia disability benefits, you will need to review that specific section. This section is 13.06 and lists specifics for both acute leukemia as well as chronic myelogenous leukemia. Acute leukemia includes T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma as well. A disability is considered until at least 24 months from the date that you were diagnosed or the date that you relapsed, or at least 12 months from a bone marrow or stem cell transplantation, whichever of these is the later date. After this amount of time, you are evaluated for any residual impairment or impairments for the body system that is affected.
If you have chronic myelogenous leukemia, there are two possibilities. The first is an accelerated or blast phase. In this case, the timing is the same as the timing described under acute leukemia listed above. The second possibility is a chronic phase, which has two possibilities as well. The first under the chronic phase is considered a disability for at least 12 months after a bone marrow or stem cell transplantation. It is evaluated additionally after that. The second under the chronic phase is a progressive disease that follows initial anticancer therapy.
– Provide medical documentation.
For any condition that you have, including qualifying for leukemia disability, needs to have medical documentation that backs up the diagnosis. You need to prove that your leukemia qualifies for disability benefits. This evidence includes an official diagnosis from your doctor, dates and specifics or doctor visits, tests and treatments. It’s important to include all of the documentation that you can in order to help qualify.
– You can apply for benefits in a few different ways.
There are different ways that you can apply for disability benefits. The easiest and fastest way is to apply online. When you apply online, you can complete the application in sections instead of needing to do it all at once. This is by far the most convenient way to apply for leukemia SSDI benefits. If you don’t want to apply online, you can set up an appointment either in person or on the phone to apply. These methods need to be completed all at once, so you need to set aside the time to complete the entire application during this appointment.
No matter which manner you choose, it’s important to have all the necessary information gathered ahead of time. This includes information about your medical history as well as your work history. You will need to provide information about your salary to prove how much you made in your last position. This includes W-2 forms for the last year and information about your employers as well. You also need your birth certificate or proof of birth and proof of citizenship or lawful alien status.
You will also need to provide information about your spouse and children. This includes names, marriage information and Social Security numbers for these individuals.
When you have a serious illness such as leukemia that prevents you from working, you need to know how to go about receiving disability benefits. You should go into the process with as much information as possible to increase the possibility that your application will be approved. If you can avoid the appeals process, it will be much quicker for you. Reach out to us with any questions.